Julie Rikelman’s nomination to the Boston-based 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is deadlocked in the Senate Judiciary Committee, even as the panel advanced 11 of President Joe Biden’s other judicial picks. Rikelman argued the losing side of the Supreme Court case that overturned Roe v. Wade.
U.S. Senate Panel Deadlocks On Abortion Rights Lawyer’s Judicial Nomination
A U.S. Senate panel on Thursday was deadlocked on whether to support President Joe Biden’s nomination to the federal bench of an abortion rights lawyer who argued the losing side of the U.S. Supreme Court case that led to Roe v. Wade being overturned. The Senate Judiciary Committee voted 11-11 along party lines on Julie Rikelman’s nomination to the Boston-based 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals even as the panel agreed to advance 11 of Biden’s other judicial nominees. (Raymond, 12/7)
In other abortion news —
USA Today:
Independent Abortion Clinics Are ‘Disappearing From Communities’ After The End Of Roe V. Wade
Twice as many independent abortion clinics have closed so far in 2022 compared to the year before as facilities shuttered in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision this year to overturn Roe v. Wade, according to an association for independent abortion care providers. As of November, 42 independent abortion clinics closed or were forced to stop providing abortion care in 2022 — more than double the 20 closures in 2021, according to a Tuesday report by the Abortion Care Network. (Fernando, 12/8)
Roll Call:
At International Conference, Dobbs Dominates Debate
For years, the biennial International Conference on Family Planning has mostly shied away from focusing on abortion. But the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in June to overturn a woman’s right to an abortion has galvanized the issue internationally, leading the more than 125 countries represented at an annual event last month billed as the “world’s largest gathering of family planning and reproductive health professionals” to wonder how the seismic change in U.S. policy will impact nations that receive U.S. global aid or look to the country for leadership. (Raman, 12/7)
Business Insider:
Woman Seeking Abortion Met With Pushback From Crisis Pregnancy Center
Estefanía thought she was making an appointment to get an abortion. Fearing she might be pregnant after a missed period, she typed “abortion pill near me” into Google and went to the first clinic that came up on the web page. When she got to The Keim Center in Virginia Beach, it didn’t look or smell like a medical clinic — it was too nice, too inviting. (Getahun, Zavarise and Nixdor, 12/5)
More on reproductive health —
More States To Consider Extending Postpartum Medicaid Coverage Beyond Two Months
Lawmakers in several conservative-led states — including Montana, Wyoming, Missouri, and Mississippi — are expected to consider proposals to provide a year of continuous health coverage to new mothers enrolled in Medicaid. Medicaid beneficiaries nationwide are guaranteed continuous postpartum coverage during the ongoing covid-19 public health emergency. But momentum has been building for states to extend the default 60-day required coverage period ahead of the emergency’s eventual end. Approximately 42% of births nationwide are covered under Medicaid, the federal-state health insurance program for low-income people, and extending postpartum coverage aims to reduce the risk of pregnancy-related deaths and illnesses by ensuring that new mothers’ medical care isn’t interrupted. (Volz, 12/8)
For Patients With Sickle Cell Disease, Fertility Care Is About Reproductive Justice
Teonna Woolford has always wanted six kids. Why six? “I don’t know where that number came from. I just felt like four wasn’t enough,” said Woolford, a Baltimore resident. “Six is a good number.” Woolford, 31, was born with sickle cell disease. The genetic disorder causes blood cells to become misshapen, which makes it harder for blood to carry oxygen and flow throughout the body. This can lead to strokes, organ damage, and frequent bouts of excruciating pain. (Yousry, 12/8)
The Washington Post:
Keke Palmer’s Pregnancy Offers Hope To Women With PCOS
Her announcement was particularly meaningful for people with polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS. The hormonal disorder, which starts around puberty and can cause cysts in the ovaries, affects as many as 5 million women of reproductive age in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Some of its effects include abnormal periods, acne and excess face or body hair. It’s also one of the most common causes of infertility in women. (Chery, 12/7)
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