For Immediate Release
News Release # 2022-124
On Tuesday, Oct. 25, Deputy County Administrator Deborah Hall and Department of Human Resources Director Alexis Blackwell provided the Board of County Commissioners with an update on Goal 4: Education of the County Commissioners’ Goals and Objectives. Highlights included Board of Education and College of Southern Maryland funding; collaborative efforts with Board of Education; school construction; and County Government workforce development and wellness initiatives.
Open Session Briefings
- Charles County Health Officer Dr. Dianna E. Abney and Department of Emergency Services Director Michelle Lilly provided an update on COVID-19, influenza, and monkeypox in Charles County.
- There are a variety of vaccination clinics and testing sites in the community, and detailed information is available on the Department of Health’s website. For a list of pharmacies and other vaccination clinics and testing sites available, visit the State of Maryland’s website.
- Monkeypox transmission typically requires skin-to-skin contact, direct contact with body fluids, or prolonged, close face-to-face contact. There is a vaccine for monkeypox in limited supply, but monkeypox can be treated with available antiviral medicines.
- The CDC recommends that adults get a flu vaccine by the end of October. The flu vaccine has been shown to reduce flu related illnesses and the risk of serious flu complications that can result in hospitalization or even death. Flu vaccination clinics are available and more information is on the Department of Health’s website.
- University of Maryland Charles Regional Medical Center Vice President of Ancillary Services Bill Grimes provided an update on the hospital, which has experienced recent cases of RSV, influenza, and COVID-19.
- Charles County Public Schools Director of School Safety and Security Jason Stoddard provided an update on the schools’ take-home tests and PPE available for students and staff, as well as continuing to monitor COVID-19.
- Charles County Health Officer Dr. Dianna Abney provided a bi-annual report on the Department of Health. Highlights included infectious disease and emergency response, emergency preparedness efforts, nursing updates, developmental disability services, behavioral health services, environmental health activities, chronic disease prevention and management, food distributions, wellness programs, chronic disease program update, and network security incident update.
- Representatives of Empower provided a presentation on Fiscal 2022 Charles County Pension Plan Annual Investment and Actuarial Review.
- Representatives of Bolton USA provided a presentation on Fiscal 2022 Sheriff’s Office Retirement Plan Annual Investment and Actuarial Review. Department of Human Resources Director Alexis Blackwell provided information on a few revisions and the County Commissioners adopted the revisions.
- Representatives of Bolton USA provided a presentation on Fiscal 2022 Other Post-Employment Benefits Annual Investment Review.
Approval Items
- A letter of support for policy revision to include a veteran designation on Maryland Driver’s Licenses.
Wednesday, Oct. 26
Public Hearing
County Commissioners held a public hearing on Fiscal 2023 Municipal Stormwater Permit Financial Assurance Plan. The record was closed, and County Commissioners approved the resolution.
Viewing option of meetings: Click Here
Next Commissioners Session: Nov. 1 and 2, 2022
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