Mental health tips on seasonal affective disorder and burnout: Eilbert

According to Charles LaTorre, burnout syndrome amounts to energy depletion and exhaustion, increased emotional distance from the things that normally matter to you, feelings of negativity and cynicism toward yourself, others and the general world, efficacy of the quality of your work suffering and, importantly, being unrecognizable to yourself, to others.

I can’t remember the last time I took a real vacation. You?

My ideal vacation? No phones, no bending my neck down into a 3-inch screen of endless information to read about the latest filtered takes. I would wander the outdoors without a schedule or itinerary, guided by curiosity and wonder. I like to imagine putting my palm against a tree, breathing in that delicious scent of petrichor and listening to critters scurrying along the forest floor. Really tune in to the natural world that seems less attainable by the day, less defined by “the real world.”

Maybe your ideal vacation involves lying on a beach and ordering a drink with a little umbrella in it. But whether you like to bust out your bathing suits or tie up your hiking boots, unplugging from work is at the heart of the desire to get away.

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