HEE & WHO strengthen international collaboration with worldwide event

An event hosted by Health Education England (HEE) and the World Health Organization has brought together countries from all over the world to celebrate their participation in the Year of the Health and Care Workers programme.

The initiative invited healthcare professionals from a range of different countries – including Georgia, Ghana, Kyrgyzstan, Malta, North Macedonia, South Africa, and Ukraine – to take part in a series of online seminars, targeting key themes in the development and establishment of effective workforce planning projects.

These seminars were led by speakers from across the globe, detailing how health systems from Eastern Europe to Africa can fix the problems in workforce planning and rise to the challenges in world healthcare provision.

The teams then joined a series of Action Learning Sets, led by the University of Salford, which addressed how each country can respond to the problems native to their specific region.

This week’s event intended to give delegates a greater insight into how the NHS, and other healthcare systems, worked as well as to promote the sharing of best practice, breaking down continental borders whilst strengthening collaboration and cooperation.

Tea Bakradze, Chief Specialist at Health Policy division, Ministry of IDPs, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia, said: “The HRH direction is at the starting point of systemic development in Georgia and this process was significantly facilitated by the program provided by HEE, which broadened our vision of how to set priorities and what steps to take to implement these priorities.

“We see the direction of nursing in our country as particularly problematic, and we are very pleased to have received impressive information about the development of nursing direction. The final event in London was one of the best experiences.

“We really liked the working format, which was active, diverse and interesting. We are glad that We had the opportunity to learn in detail about the experiences of other countries and relate them to the politics of my country.

“We would like the connection between Georgia and HEE to continue, which will contribute to the implementation of planned improvement changes in our country.”

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