PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — According to the CDC, about 20,000 people were hospitalized with the flu last week, that’s nearly double the number from the week before. With the increased number of people sick with the flu, there’s also an increased demand for anti-viral medications.
There are now two anti-virals that can shorten the duration and severity of influenza and the demand is growing for them.
Doctors say people at high risk should get the prescription medication as soon as symptoms start.
Flu cases are increasing around the country with 47 states reporting very high or high flu activity, that includes in Philadelphia’s Tri-State region.
The CDC says this year’s flu shot appears to be a “very good match” to circulating strains, especially among those who are most vulnerable.
Flu shots for pregnant women are down about 12%. For seniors, there’s a 3% drop and flu vaccinations for children are down about 5%.
The increased number of people getting sick with the flu is driving up the demand for antiviral medications to treat the flu.
“These drugs have been shown to reduce the duration of illness, but really important, to reduce your likelihood of ending up in the hospital or even dying,” Infectious disease specialist Dr. Celine Gounder said.
Tamiflu is one of the most commonly prescribed antivirals. The pill or liquid and taken for five days. The newest antiviral Xofluza is a single dose.
Doctors say it’s important to start it quickly, within about two days of getting sick.
“If you stop too soon, you can have a rebound of the virus. You can have a rebound of symptoms. And so it’s really important to complete that course. If you don’t complete the course, are also at more risk for the virus developing resistance,” Gounder said.
Side effects of both flu medications can include nausea and vomiting.
“You can get side effects with really any medication, and sometimes those can be allergic reactions or rash. Sometimes that can be GI upset. But what’s really important to understand is these side effects are rare, they’re mild,” Gounder said.
There’s also a different antiviral for COVID-19, Paxlovid. It reduces the risk of getting severely sick and is especially important for people at high risk.